Published inOn ReflectionHow I Found My Place in the UniverseOn Friday at 7:49 AM. My cat helped5d ago95d ago9
Published inCrow’s Feet: Life As We AgeYou Can Totally Tell This Article Was Not Written by AIIt was written with HEW (Hard-Earned Wisdom)Nov 1817Nov 1817
Published inCrow’s Feet: Life As We AgeChanneling My Inner Abe LincolnMalice toward none, charity for all. But I’ll skip the play, thanksNov 1113Nov 1113
Published inCrow’s Feet: Life As We AgeWaiting for the ProcedureI don’t know how it will go, and I’m trying to stay strongNov 411Nov 411
Published inCrow’s Feet: Life As We AgeHow To Agitate Young PeopleNow is when they need us right in their facesOct 2818Oct 2818
Published inCrow’s Feet: Life As We Age10 Reasons Older Is BetterAnd why that matters in turbulent timesOct 2118Oct 2118
Published inCrow’s Feet: Life As We AgeIt’s Time To Worry When Tolerance Is IntolerableOur cheery sign promoting unity was stolen from our front yardOct 1314Oct 1314
Published inCrow’s Feet: Life As We AgeWhen Age Grants You Freedom, Don’t Sell It CheapWhen you have less of it left, what’s your time worth?Oct 777Oct 777
Published inCrow’s Feet: Life As We AgeOh, NO! I Outlived This Beauty TrendWhat if I never have glass skin?Sep 2315Sep 2315
The 14-Year-Old Georgia Murder Suspect Will Be Tried as an AdultTen months earlier, he couldn’t have been held criminally responsible under the law. Does this make sense?Sep 223Sep 223