Member-only story
What If You’re Someone’s Hero Today?
And you don’t even know it?
Let’s say you’re having an average day. Maybe a little below average: nothing’s gone terribly wrong, but on the other hand nothing’s particularly exciting. It’s just plain old Tuesday. Meh.
You don’t feel bad, but you don’t feel great either, and that in itself is kind of dispiriting. It’s simply one of those days, or hours, or moments that we all have, when you’re just plugging along, doing your unspectacular thing, marking time until the Next Big Whatever.
If you were grading today, so far you’d give it a C.
But here’s the thing. That conversation you had with the barista on your way to work this morning, when he mentioned he was applying to grad school and he was nervous about it and you told him to go for it?
That was just the encouragement he needed. His shift is over and he’s home right now, filling out the app.
Or maybe not.
Or the lady you let make a left turn in front of you, even though you had the right of way? The one who didn’t even smile or wave at you as she zoomed past, and then you got stuck at the light? She’d just gotten a call from the nurse at the hospice and was trying to get there in time. Right now she’s thanking you for making it possible for her to say…