Life without leggings would be a royal pain in my reasonably firm ass, just sayin’. My hair is silver-gray because I blissfully liberated myself from the coloring cycle a few years ago, and it flows to somewhere in the middle of of my ears. Works for me, which is the whole point. If I had the kind of hair that looked glorious long, you bet I’d grow it out. And if I could wear stiletto heels without my feet screaming, I’d do that too. I truly appreciate the premise of this article; I do just want to add that the way we age, despite our best intentions and disciplined habits, isn’t always up to us. Health issues and life issues happen and they take a toll. But we can still express our hard-earned joy in life through whatever we want to do with our hair or clothes or if we want to drape ourselves in tattoos. The older I get, the more I value fun.